Birthplace of Tokyo's punk scene, and a healthy obsession for anything musically related. A unique fashion sense and a don't-give-a-fuck attitude away from the conformities of daily Japanese life.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Fashion meets depression
Two different locations. Two different emotions. Two different styles. One fucked up. One doesn't give a fuck. Thought the girls fashion was great. As for the guy, he needed help and as is the norm in Japan, he won't get any.
I thought Japan had been doing well for the past 6-8 years ? They most have been making a pile of money in that period. It wouldn't be normal here in Scandinavia to see people lying on the ground crying. At least not the ones in suits
Yea I regularly see people in train stations just lying on the ground crying and everyone just walking past them. Quite depressing!
I thought Japan had been doing well for the past 6-8 years ? They most have been making a pile of money in that period.
It wouldn't be normal here in Scandinavia to see people lying on the ground crying. At least not the ones in suits
@ sune,
In England it wouldn't be normal either...unless it was a Friday night and he'd consumed a belly full of beer.
This shot was on Sunday, mid afternoon.
Great to see a blog about Koenji, I'm moving there in August
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